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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Santa Ana City code for bike parking

This Monday, the Santa Ana Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on amending the city's zoning code to require the inclusion of bicycle parking in new developments in a similar manner to how automobile parking is required.

This zoning code amendment would help residents from all segments of the city as it would make Santa Ana much more bicycle-friendly. This amendment is also in line with the rhetoric of our city's leaders to go green without creating a burden on businesses or developers. It costs more to purchase a business license in Santa Ana then it would cost to provide the proposed required bicycle parking. This amendment is also supported by the OC Chapter of the Sierra Club.

Because it is an amendment to the zoning code, the Planning Commission will vote on a recommendation on Monday and then it will ultimately be decided by the City Council. Your attendance at this Planning Commission meeting in support of this would be greatly appreciated.

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